" Sometimes teams struggle with cross-functional collaboration, issue resolution, empowerment and decision-making.  How can we help teams to to collaborate optimally?”

Collaboration and Leadership


Lean collaboration and leadership deployment 

While every team is unique, certain key principles can elevate team performance and empower both members and leaders to excel.

A crucial step is to create clarity around roles and expected behaviors for team members and leaders. "Lean Leadership standard work" offers a well-defined framework for team leads covering aspects like 'gemba walks,' prioritisation, problem-solving, mentoring, and team reflection.

Similarly, team members benefit from guidelines on decision-making, knowledge sharing, requesting support, and escalation (Andon). This establishes an effective basis for everyone to be productive and continuously develop.


Agreed ways of working provide a basis to evaluate performance and become better all the time. This will become visible by better quality, speed and  personal growth.