Frequently Asked Questions

What industries do you work for?

Our solutions are crafted on universal principles that have been successfully implemented across various industries. They are versatile, catering to the needs of diverse engineering departments engaged in NPD/NPI of discrete manufacturing and process engineering be it in consumer goods or capital goods environments.

What do I need to get started?

Ensuring that there is a genuine desire for change among the stakeholders is essential; once this commitment is established, we collaboratively chart a customized path forward to initiate and sustain the improvement. This collaborative approach can be kickstarted at the department level or sub process level, paving the way for broader organisational change if applicable .

Can I start small?

Absolutely, in many cases it is even preferable. We look at what is feasible and useful given the level of urgency among other factors. This can be anything between a top down transformation program and cleaning up the office. It’s all about taking the first step. Think big, act small.

We already have an ISO quality system, can I deploy methods additional to that?

Yes, lean engineering methods work fine for regulated industries and don’t interfere with quality system certification requirements. Even, lean engineering tools can be very helpful in the case of compliance to continual improvement requirements from quality standards.

We have tried Lean before but it was not successful, how can we succeed this time?

Unfortunately we see some implementations fail because of a ‘one size fits all’ approach. We are successful because we tune the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ to the specific situation while teaching you to become self-sustaining.

How do we make time for this?

If it’s important enough, you will find the time. And our tools like ‘Improvement Kanban’ make this a lot easier.