Where do I start?

Choose from our 10 enablers

Unlock success with our People Solutions.

Achieving your goals always begins with teamwork. However, as organisations grow, complexity increases, raising the risk of misalignment and ownership issues. To support Planning and Process, effective structures and collaboration are required.

Reduce the cost of delay with our Planning Solutions

Maintaining a steady project output can be tough, especially in multi-project/multi-department setups prone to resource and prioritization challenges.  Achieving 'flow' requires aligning resource demand and supply, managing work in progress, and maintaining focus and adaptability. Our  simple and cost-effective methods can be incrementally implemented, resulting in increased output, shorter lead times, and dependable roadmaps for teams, leaders, and stakeholders. 

Create Value with our Process Solutions 

For an engineering organisation to deliver predictably, effective execution processes are essential. Process deficiencies, indicated by rework or redundant tasks can significantly lengthen project lead times. Our process solutions not only reduce rework and redundancy but also establish a foundation for ongoing improvement, ensuring increased value and efficiency. 

Approaching engineering processes as Lean Value Streams allows us to enhance the flow of work, ensuring that each phase smoothly transitions to the next with minimal waste and maximum value delivery. This focus on maintaining a steady, uninterrupted flow transforms the engineering organization into a more predictable and efficient system.


A transformation beyond temporary fixes, by speeding up project delivery and yielding significant cost savings. All while fostering a culture of sustainable improvement.

LEO - Lean Engineering Solutions

Lasting change with our Leadership and Transformation Solutions

Where should you begin the improvement journey? How do you organize and engage people effectively in the process of change? How do you align with other departments to foster collaboration, ensure sustainability for lasting results, and find the necessary time commitment amidst daily responsibilities? Addressing these pivotal questions is vital for the success of any change initiative. To support you in reaching your objectives, we have condensed our expertise into the CRAFT Transformation Approach. This systematic methodology is tailored to highlight key success elements, making it applicable even for minor-scale initiatives.

The CRAFT Transformation Approach comprises the following components:

  • Foundation: Defining scope, objectives, team, roles, and program management.

  • Assessment: Identifying opportunities.

  • Implementation process, such as Improvement Kanban.

  • Training.

Regardless of your initiative's scale, we can provide the right combination of actions and workshops in each category to support your efforts, regardless of the scale. 

Start your transformation