"We depend on external suppliers for crucial parts, but the process from RFQ to final part approval has many surprises.  How can we reduce the time needed in the supply chain? "

Supplier Value Integration


Supplier Value Integration -  close collaboration with critical suppliers during the entire development process.

Looking from a lean perspective, a supplier interface is a potential disconnect in the flow of work  which could  produce a lot of waste; waiting time, quality issues, over engineering and over processing.   We may be able to avoid some of that with audits, supplier manuals, and scorecards.  But true speed and value can only be obtained with mapping the integral value stream and organising all communication and collaboration based on that.  In this way, we can benefit optimally from supplier expertise and insights, give them exactly the information they need,  avoid misunderstandings and set up the appropriate  quality control approach.   This will aso provide a firm basis for 'Agile contracting' and integration of the suppler in sprints and continuous improvement. 


Better and cheaper parts, project lead-time reduction, less manufacturing issues.