" I'm eager to enhance team performance in a straightforward, efficient, and practical manner. What steps can we take to achieve this quickly and effectively? Software is doing  Scrum, how can  Hardware align with sprints? "

Team Level Planning


Implement the proven tools of Team Level Planning

While project schedules are valuable for planning milestones and resources, they  lack the necessary day-to-day workflow details. But those details are important because every day not working on priorities is a day of slip.  To address this need for focused yet flexible daily management, Visual Workflow Management (VWM) comes into play. VWM involves planning, aligning, and prioritizing team deliverables within 2-4 week time boxes (sprints).

​Progress, support requirements, and changes are tracked through frequent stand-up meetings organized around visual boards, using Scrum or alternative methods. VWM is a highly effective approach for enhancing workflow without substantial investments. It empowers teams to take charge of their planning and delivery within a fixed rhythm. Furthermore, VWM serves as a solid foundation for transitioning into a lean/agile company, facilitating synchronization among multiple teams (Scrum of Scrums) , providing performance metrics and integrating continuous improvement into daily work.


It is ensured that the teams always have a clear and committed plan to be able to work on the right things.  Less actions get started, more get finished. Any slip is detected immediately. Buffers keep intact. Any obstacles for progress surface immediately and can be resolved or escalated (Andon). The team works faster, more flexible and stays always on track.